Clean out debris from your central vacuum system

Clean out debris from your central vacuum system

Many newer homes use a central vacuum system. These systems usually have the central unit installed in the garage. When you vacuum with the hose with the system, the debris has to go back to the central unit. Many people forget that they have to empty that central vacuum unit to ensure it works properly, and there is enough rough for it to temporarily store the debris.

Space / Item:
Central Vacuum System

Time of Year:

How to clean the central vacuum

Find you central unit for the central vacuum system.  Most of them are usually in the garage.  At the bottom of the unit is usually two clamps that are holding the debris bucket to the unit.  Release the two clamps while holding on to the debris bucket.

Dump the debris from the vacuuming into a garage bag.  Reattach the debris bucket to the central vacuum cleaner using the two clamps.  Make sure to read the instructions from your particular unit.  Here is a video from iScaper.



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