Residential Property AI for Insurance Industry

Differentiate your brand by engaging clients in multiple touch points that help them mange their largest financial asset.

Differentiate with Digital Home Management

Home Management for Insurance Companies
  • One platform of apps and content to manage the home.

Go beyond the policy and provide your customers a digital home management platform that helps them actually manage their largest financial asset and biggest ongoing expense. Leverage HomeZada’s innovative platform including multiple apps, content, and video recognition A.I. to improve your position as a “trusted advisor” for your homeowner customers.

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Leverage Homeowner AI with Consumers to Benefit Everyone

Homeowner AI in the hands of policyholders proactively alerts on severe weather alerts with recommendations to protect the home saving claims costs. Homeowners get address specific risk assessment and visual photo AI to create a home inventory quickly and accurately for use in underwriting. Engage customers with AI that transforms your relationship forever.

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Build Brand Loyalty to Increase Business

Insurance Company Branding Ads
  • Branding is displayed in desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

HomeZada provides branding opportunities in mobile and desktop interface as well as multiple monthly email campaigns. Staying top of mind with company or agent branding every month in a value add way builds long term loyalty. This leads to increased renewal rates and more referrals opportunities.

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Reduce Claims Costs and Access New Data

Insurance Inventory Maintenance
  • Preventative maintenance reminders and an inventory.

Preventative maintenance schedules remind homeowners of important tasks that need to get done which reduces claims costs through more knowledgeable homeowners. In addition, homeowners can provide complete home inventory PDFs of itemized lists and photos that can be used to reduce fraud and incorporate into pricing and risk management strategies.

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  • Engage homeowners in ways to help them manage the home
  • Go beyond the policy by providing a suite of apps to manage the home
  • Build your mobile and online brand in a value added way
  • Reduce claims costs by having diligent clients perform maintenance tasks
  • Agent or Corporate branding ad featured in mobile, web, and email
  • Increase renewal rates by building long term client loyalty
  • Develop a "Trusted Advisor" position with the homeowner
  • Increase cross selling and referral business from loyal customers
Homezada home maintenance recommendations

HomeZada Pro Improves Your Business

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HomeZada Professional

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