1653 Gold Rush Way, Penryn, California 95663 | Sun Room | HomeZada

Sun Room

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About the Sun Room

The enclosed sun room has a full set of multiple windows that looks out into a large side yard. The room has a granite countertop / bar area that is great for entertaining. It connects to the house via a door between the kitchen and family room and can be used a number of different ways including a game room, a kids play room, a sitting room or even an exercise room.



Beautifully crafted thin plank wood ceiling accents this room

Ceiling Fan 1

Ceiling Fan 2


A dark granite counter is great as a serving area for larger parties or as place to eat while enjoying activities in this unique room

Crown Molding

Exterior Door

There is a single glass door that leads out into the back porch


Large grey ceramic tiles provide a great accent as the flooring for this room

Interior Door

The interior access to the sun room is through a door between the kitchen and family room which makes this centrally accessed in the home


The sun room has a number of large windows that provide great natural sunlight as well as views of the spectacular backyard

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