Laundry Room

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About the Laundry Room

A huge laundry room with custom cabinets and a utility sink. There is a door that leads to the back yard so it can be a great mud room with easy to clean tile floors. There is also plenty of utility storage areas.



DSC | Crenshaw Series

Additional Information:

DSC alarm owner manual.pdf

Base Cabinets

Painted maple cabinets provide a lot of storage in the laundry room

Ceiling Lights

Fluorescent ceiling light provides ample lighting in the room


Wilsonart | Plastic laminate


Kenmore | Series 800

Additional Information:

kenmore dryer owner manual.pdf

Dryer Vent

The dryer vent is a short run as the laundry room is up against the exterior of the house. This provides easy access from the outside to clean out the vent duct.

Exterior Door

Andersen | American Craftsman

A great exterior door from the laundry room to the back yard provides great access

Additional Information:



Daltile | Olympus Brown

18 x 18 inches

Serial #: DA - 14568

The entire laundry room has a sturdy porcelain tile

Upper Cabinets

Painted maple cabinets provide a lot of upper level storage in the laundry room

Utility Sink


A very deep utility sink in case you need to hand wash any clothes

Utility Sink Faucet


Wash Machine

Kenmore | Series 800

3.6 cubic feet - top loader

Additional Information:

kenmore washer owner manual.pdf


Milgard | Horizontal Slider

Great natural sunlight in the laundry room, and a great view of the back yard and small vineyard.

Additional Information:

Milgard 10 year window warranty.pdf

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