Living Room

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About the Living Room

This is a great room for conversation with a large window that provides natural sunlight. It is connected to the foyer, hallway, and dining room via archways that make the room feel even bigger.


Ceiling Lights

Built in ceiling can lights provide great lighting for the room

Crown Moulding

Six inch moulding accents the ceiling in the living room


Bruce | Maple - Caramel

3 1/4"

Fantastic looking maple hardwood floors with a caramel finish that you can leave as is or use with various rug combinations

Additional Information:

Bruce hardwood floor warranty.pdf


Milgard | Slider

Warranty: Milgard, Expires October 08, 2018

Serial #: qwerty2

A great view of the cul de sac from the window.

Property information is provided by seller/other sources (which may or may not be the listing agent) and not verified by HomeZada. Interested persons should independently verify its accuracy.



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